Thursday, October 21, 2021

Marketing Simplicity

Last week we took the afternoon to visit Happy Beer Street, the southside area of breweries that have partnered to promote Edmonton’s great beer options. My reaction to first hearing the name of the district, was to not like it. I thought they’d missed an opportunity to pull together a clever name that could better describe and position this neighbourhood to locals and visitors alike.

But to a good friend of mine, in conversation with him, he said he loved it. To him it was simple – days out visiting great breweries should be fun. You should be happy during those visits. So ‘Happy Beer Street’ made perfect sense. I couldn’t argue.

It got me thinking that while we as marketers are hired to deliver unique ideas to grow businesses, or to develop plans for something like a beer district, at times we can also lose sight of the value of simplicity. Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one. In this case, focusing on that happy feeling people experience spending time with their friends, while checking out all the great beer options in Edmonton, is a great way to create a name. It’s straightforward, memorable, and even a bit kitschy, all which can play into its stickiness. 

Deep, strategic thinking is hugely valuable, but sometimes honest simplicity is the right answer. Determining the right time to choose between those options is ultimately the true skill of a marketer. 

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